How to Boost Your Energy Levels When You’re Feeling Low

Learn how to get a positive boost of energy when you’re feeling the blues. Continue reading How to Boost Your Energy Levels When You’re Feeling Low


If you truly want to bring about real change, give people an outlet to share what they feel, without judgement. Making yourself vulnerable is the characteristic of a strong person, not weak one. So, if someone opens up to you, listen. Don’t try to solve their problem, to give advice, or force your opinion on how they should deal with it. Just listen. Continue reading Listen

Dealing with Depression Series #1 – How to Identify and Defuse Your Emotional Triggers

Depression is a constant battle that you have to keep fighting, even if you lose on some days.  On some days you may feel good and stay functional, while on others you might have emotional outbursts and absolutely no motivation.  The constant lack of energy and motivation is a common trait of people with depressive tendencies. However, emotional outbursts are rare and usually preceded by … Continue reading Dealing with Depression Series #1 – How to Identify and Defuse Your Emotional Triggers


You know those people who seem ok even when they’re going through hell? Yes, the ones who pretend like they’ve got it all figured out and don’t need anyone and can deal with anything by themselves. You know why they do that? Not because they’re strong enough to not need anyone. It’s because they know that if they make themselves even a little vulnerable, they’ll … Continue reading Strong?

Depression – Just a Way to Seek Attention or a Real Cry for Help?

Depression is a mental health condition where people consistently feel low and lose interest in activities. Depressed people often feel unworthy, hopeless, tired, and dejected. According to WHO, over 264 million people suffer from depression worldwide. Depression is widely prevalent and is a medically-recognized mental health disorder. Then, why is it that people still don’t accept it as such? More importantly, why do people refuse … Continue reading Depression – Just a Way to Seek Attention or a Real Cry for Help?