How to Form a Daily Writing Habit

A person writing
Photo by Lisa Fotios on

Do you want to form a daily writing habit but can’t stay motivated enough to stick to a routine? Well, this post is for you.

I am a writer and I can tell you it’s not easy to stay motivated every day and write daily. As someone with depressive tendencies, I know how hard it is to even get out of bed on some days.

That’s why I wanted to help you out with your struggles to write daily and offer a few tips to build a daily writing habit. I’ve learned these after years of trying and failing to build a daily writing routine until I finally succeeded.

So, try these tips and start writing daily.

1. Stop Trying to Be Perfect

The biggest reason why writers never finish their books or are not able to form a consistent daily writing routine is perfectionism.

I get it. You want to create a masterpiece and that’s a great goal. But no one has ever created a masterpiece in the first attempt, except maybe a few geniuses. 

So, why do you think you can achieve that level of perfection?

Stop waiting for the perfect idea. Stop trying to do your best work. Just write.

Give yourself permission to write complete crap. Write whatever comes to your mind, just dump it all. If it turns out to be nonsense, it’s fine. Delete it and move on. Keep writing.

When you stop trying to be perfect, you won’t be afraid to take that first step and start writing daily.

2. Set Smaller Goals

Another common detriment to forming a daily writing routine is setting ambitious goals.

Well, it would be nice if you could write 3000 words a day and finish a book in one month (#NaNoWriMo). But that’s not what you should strive for, especially when you’re starting out.

As a new writer, your aim should be to form a consistent daily writing routine and build that habit. And setting smaller goals makes it easier to do that.

Don’t put that pressure on yourself of writing a certain number of words. Write a single page every day. On days when even that seems tough, write a paragraph or even a sentence.

Also, don’t restrict yourself by forcing yourself to write something productive. Your daily writing ritual could sometimes just be a journal entry.

The goal is to write daily, irrespective of what and how much you write.

3. Set Aside a Time and Place for Writing

Like most daily habits, your daily writing habit also needs dedicated time and space. It is easier to form a daily writing routine if you know when and where you’re supposed to sit and write.

Create a cozy workspace for yourself and decorate it with things that inspire you. Set aside at least fifteen minutes a day for writing. You can increase the duration as you progress, but start small.

Many prolific writers like Haruki Murakami strictly follow a daily morning routine for writing. But if you think you’re more creative in the evening, then write in the evenings. It’s up to you. There are no hard rules.

4. Write Anytime, Anywhere

One of the best writing tips anyone can give you is to write everywhere–on your way to work, while waiting for your order at a restaurant, or any other time.

Note down your ideas, the moment they strike. Don’t wait to come home and write, simply make a note on your phone. If you prefer the feel of pen and paper, carry a small notebook with you wherever you go.

Want to take things a notch higher?

Replace those moments when you scroll on social media because you’re bored with writing time. Write whatever you’re thinking at the moment. That will get you in the flow and you might end up writing something creative that you can use later.

5. Write Different Things

Even if your goal is to write more of a certain type of content, try mixing things up when you’re trying to form a daily writing habit. This will help you stay inspired and motivated, and not get bored or stuck.

Let’s say you’re writing a book and get stuck somewhere or run out of ideas. Does this mean you stop writing until you get an idea?

No! Write something else. Here are a few ideas to continue your daily writing routine even when you’re facing writer’s block:

  • Use writing prompts to create short pieces of content
  • Write fan fiction about a show, movie, or book you like
  • Create journal entries and simply write how you feel
  • Do some research and make a list of topics and ideas

Basically, write whatever you feel like writing each day, and don’t force yourself to write something specific.

Ready to Form Your Daily Writing Habit?

I hope these tips will help you stay motivated to build a daily writing routine and become a prolific writer. 

Writing is an ongoing process and you can’t hope to find a perfect idea and write something great one day and not write at all on others. You need to be consistent and, for that, you need to motivate yourself to write daily.

Try these tips to start your daily writing routine today. Let me know in the comments how it goes. All the best!

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